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Everybody's gone surfin, Surfin USA

I was a bit late for work this morning. I stayed in bed to snuggle with puppy. It was so cold and he was so warm and soft that when he crawled under my arm, I just grabbed him and held on of a bit. He likes that... me too.
I have to leave work early today for a doctors visit. They have to make sure the shots I am taking are not killing me softly with their song... Oops, sorry I have no idea where that came from.
I was going to ask to switch to the alternative drug, but now the big story is that it makes your risk of cancer increase. I think the one I'm on does too. Hell they are designed to surpress your immune system so I guess that makes sense. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess. What's better a pain free shorter life or a painful longer one? I hope I don't find out.
Actually, all the exercise lately has me feeling pretty good. My legs just have all kinds of spring in them. I'm tempted to try running again even though it is bad for my _____(insert body part here).
It is cold out, it's Tuesday and the stupid Red S0X lost. Blah.... That's all I'm going to say about that. Amy just got back from surfing in Hawaii. I went to J0B L0T. Does that count? It feels like Wednesday, what ever Wednesday feels like... But it is not.
Later aligators...

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