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My feet are freezing...

The temp at the front wall in my office is reading 55. Brrrrrrrr It's a good thing that the big cheese says we no longer have to wear ties unless we have guests scheduled. I'm wearing a big brown sweater and it isn't enough.

I had chinese take out over by the water and the guys building the new public boat ramp will still working out in the cold. The wind chill had t be close to -20. Better them than me. I kept the heat on in the truck while I ate.

M.E. and I are going to the Pr0vidence boat show tonight. We go more for the social event than to really seriously look at stuff. We'll have a nice dinner, check out the sailboats and displays and run into a ton of people we haven't seen since the boats got pulled. We may also drink beer.

The sailboats are scheduled to be in the Dunk this year, the scene of Mondays basketball tragedy. I guess we'll survive, but man that loss still stings.

My old company is exhibiting 7 boats including a 47 footer. Had I kept the job there, Cow Hampshire would be right off the schedule. I'd be on all weekend. This is the time of year where boat brokers starve. I'm mostly pretty happy I have a real job.

There are all kinds of rumors on why the meeting is being held floating around the company. Some are pretty far out there. They'll probably be disappointed when they find out it is just me handing out insulated mugs. Then again, most will probably be releaved. It has been a tough year.

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