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Here fleshy, here fleshy....

It took over two hours. I got poked and prodded and had to wear a paper dress with no back. I also have to go for a chest xray and several blood tests, but.... I'm going to get my Embre1... Yea.....

The doctor was pretty cool and wants to be on the safe side, hence all the tests. My last one was only interested in the $$$$$$ so, tests were probably bad. They are even going to check me for TB. Whats up with that? Is that even around any more? I suppose it is. The third world, coming soon to a mall near you.

While there I had lots of time to read. I read a wonderful article about all these people catching monkey pox in the midwest from keeping prarie dogs as pets. What's up with this? I guess I do not understand people who keep rats and mice and spiders and the like as pets. I try as hard as I can to keep out of my house. What's next, flesh eating bacteria? Now that's a pet. Easy to take care of, clingy and always a supply of food near by.

UGH.... Give me puppy any day.

So I have to wait a bit, but no more visits to the stupid clinic and no more waiting for a stupid doctor who doesn't show up. I should be feeling 100% in no time. Yippeeeeeee

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